General Settings

Job Name (Optional)

Set the name of your job.


  • Up to 15 characters, no blank spaces, start with alphanumeric character.
  • If you want to use the default value, leave it blank.

Workspace (Required)

Set the path to the folder where contains the .fast5 files.


  • Example: /home/ynzhou/NCCTData/20181109_1435_20181109_VRE_I/fast5

Barcodes (Optional)

Set which barcodes should be included into the analysis. Put in the numbers and separate them with a comma.


  • Example: 1,2,3,4
  • If you want to include all barcodes in your analysis, leave it blank.

Threads (Required)

Set the number of threads to run the analysis.


  • The program will automatically find the max number of threads available on the system and set it to the default value.